Minggu, 16 September 2012

Emotional Explosives...

This tutorial started out with some illustration request and I got a little carried away with the facial expressions I could add to a simple bomb. I thought I might just share the fun and turn it into a tutorial.

Like most of my tutorials this one starts with basic shapes - circles and squares and simple lines. If you are new to the tutorials it might be helpful to read from the beginning. Even though they are not in a special order some of the skills used here have been explained in a more detailed way in earlier posts. 

With the basic elements in place it's a matter of working out the expressions you are after... Adding different mouth shapes, squinting or enlarging the eyes.

I will add a page or two with the facial expressions here soon. For now I want to finish another tutorial I have been dying to complete first - a cartoony helicopter to take me back to one of my favorite jobs (doing the (pixel) art of HeliAttack 3 in 2005).  

I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did - and believe me I really missed doing tutorial art and writing these little posts. 

Get the art (png files) of this tutorial for

As a special treat to make up for the long time between tutorials I uploaded the explosives as PNG-images in 256x256, 128x128, 96x96 and 64x64 pixels to be used freely in your projects. 


Still alive and kicking...

After a long time without posts [due to all sorts of issues but mainly due to lack of piece and quiet] I finally get to sit down and write some new tutorials and reply to questions and requests.

To make up for it I will start off with some free stuff:

First of all 'Wild Surf - Paradise Island' is free for iOS now:
